Friday, 23 October 2015

Five for Friday (Oct. 23)

I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday. Here's a peek at my week.....

While most people are still enjoying fall it is already winter up in my neck of the woods!  Where I live up in Northern Canada winter starts early..... and this year it has come even earlier than normal:(   We can always expect some snow by Halloween but this year we have had snow off and on all October.  The little pond behind my house is already frozen over!

Even though it is winter outside I am still embracing the fall season inside!  The girls and I went and bought pumpkins this week.  Obviously, there is no pumpkin patch around but my girls had fun at the grocery store picking out the perfect pumpkins.  And who could pass up on a bunch of fall flowers? Not me.... I just won't look out the window!

Chores, chores, chores.....   My girls were supposed to be doing them but it was turning into a fight lately and nobody could remember who did what and they were still getting their allowance (bad mom) and not really doing anything for it.  Ok, you get the idea!  I finally (after threatening for ages) made a chore chart.  We may still be in the honeymoon phase but man this thing is working like a charm!  The deal is they can do their chores whenever they want but they must do everything on their chart by the end of the week in order to get their allowance.  This morning they were fighting over who got to empty the dishwasher!  Last night my oldest daughter offered to take the garbage out and did it without rolling her eyes (tweens!!!).  So far so good!

This week I updated the very first paid product I made for TPT!  It is a Halloween Pattern Pack so it was able to hide in my store for a long time without much attention.  With Halloween coming up I needed to make a decision whether to just delete it (it no longer represented the quality of the products I have in my store) or give it a face lift.  I was tempted to just let it go.... Halloween only comes once a year and on top of that it was specific to patterns.  As I looked back at the file I remembered it was this product that really got me hooked on being a TPT seller.  I had only signed up as a seller on a whim and really had no expectations that anyone would ever really buy anything I created.  I was working on patterns with my class. It was Halloween. And so my first product came to life!  And...this was the part that was amazing... it sold (and more than once!).  The success of this product gave me the confidence to continue creating and sharing my resources.  Just thinking about it makes me sentimental. The Halloween Pattern Pack had to live on! 

I updated something old and made something new!  I had so much fun making these simple puzzle and printing activities.  Kids get to cut, paste, print and colour....great fine motor control practice and learn some seasonal vocabulary.  Watch out for some more versions.... coming soon.

Have great weekend!!!

Friday, 25 September 2015

Five for Friday

I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday. 
This is my first time to participate in this awesome linky. Here it goes…
This week Fall officially started!  Up where I live in Northern Canada it has been around for awhile...  Seriously the trees start to turn color here at the end of August!  I do love fall though and just wish it hung around a little longer.

Hello Winter?!?  We had our first frost of the year on Monday. It only happened the one day so hopefully it was just a weather glitch. Luckily I am an experienced Northern (lazy) girl and just leave my scraper in my car all year long.  This weekend we will have to clear the bikes out of the garage so I can park inside again.  I am NOT ready for winter yet!! 

This week I was busy doing Apple updates.  It took me all week but my Apple, Apple, ABC (Alphabet Activities) and Apple, Apple, 123 (Numbers 1-10) are new and improved.  

With apples on my mind all week I picked up this Fall Apples candle.  It smells wonderful and I love the cozy feeling of lighting candles in the fall. 

This book has been keeping me up too late all week! It has these short chapters that keep me hooked. I keep telling myself just one more….Ok one more….  I hope to get to finish it up on the weekend.

Have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

My "Must Have" Supplies for Back To School: Everything Else

We all make sure our classrooms are stocked up with the basics like crayons and glue but there are some extra "must have" supplies that I can't do with out.  Two of my favourites are BINDER CLIPS and SENTENCE STRIPS.  Click to read more about how I use them in my classroom. Here is a list of everything  else…..


A class set of highlighters is definitely a staple in my class.  Kids love to use them and they totally make learning fun! Here are a few ways I use them in my class.

Highlighting sight words: the
Phonics skills in context. Poems are my favourite for finding sight words, beginning sounds, rhyming words, digraphs….whatever you may be working on.

Tracing letters and words. Instead of dotted lines use a highlighter to help a student correctly form a letter or correct a reversal.  If I do provide a student with a word in their writing, I always print it with highlighter and then the student can trace over it.


Highlight it! Worksheets.  My kiddos loved using highlighters so much I created these worksheets so they could highlight away... identifying letters, numbers and sight words.  It is harder to come up with authentic highlighting experiences for little ones so these worksheets do the trick.  

Numbers 1-20 Highlight it!
Sight Words Highlight it!
Alphabet Highlight it!   


Index cards are great for quick name tags and flash cards. I especially love the bright neon ones!

Using bright paper is such a simple way to… well, brighten up everything from notes to parents to classroom displays.

Use your bright paper for important notes home so they get noticed.

   Save on ink and print on bright paper instead!
These are from my Apple Ten Frame Fun! set.  I have both color and black & white ten frames included. I love how the black & white version looks on the bright red and green paper.
Backing these simple black & white number cards on bright paper makes them really stand out.  This is a really quick way to make a display that is easy on the ink and budget!

Sunday, 26 July 2015

My "Must Have" Supplies for Back To School: Sentence Strips

Pencils, crayons and glue… we all know these basic supplies that teachers need for back to school!  Through the years I have discovered some additional "must have" supplies that I also stock up on. I started off this post last week with the intention of making a simple list and ended up writing entirely about Binder Clips!  Click HERE to read that post.  I decided this might work better as a bit of a series….  These supplies are my "must haves" because they are so versatile and can be used in lots of different ways in your classroom

Sentence Strips

I love my pocket charts and use them constantly in my teaching.  Sentence strips are definitely a necessity!   Here are a few ways I use sentence strips in my pocket charts.

Poems: I use a lot of poems in my class.  We have a poetry booklet that we add a new poem to weekly. We have poems for learning sight words, poems about dental health, poems about counting by 10, poems for the holidays…. lots & lots of poems.  Some of them I write out on chart paper but mostly I use sentence strips.  It is easy to slip the sentences into the pocket chart to introduce each poem.  I also like to have separate cards with pictures that can be matched with each line of the poem.  
Afterwards these poems can then be easily turned into a center.  Clip each individual poem together with the picture cards and students can order the sentence strips, match the picture cards and read the poems, independently.  Save the sentence strip poems and use them again year after year. 
All my sentence strip poems clipped together and stored.
Scrambled Sentences:  This is a great activity to do with students when introducing the concept of a sentence. I usually start with these basics:
  • Sentences begin with an uppercase letter.  
  • Sentences end with punctuation.  
  • Sentences make sense.  
For this activity I write a simple sentence on a sentence strip and cut it up into individual words.  I mix up the words and place in my pocket chart. I do this activity together as a class several times before it becomes a center.

My lesson would look something like this:
I read the mixed up sentence aloud and ask them if it makes sense.  It is usually quite silly and everyone will answer with a resounding "NO!". 
"It is not a sentence yet so how do we begin a sentence?"
I have someone come up and find the word starting with the uppercase letter and put it as the beginning of the sentence.  We will read it again.
"Does it make sense?"
"Ok, how do we end sentence?"
I have someone come up and find the word that ends with a punctuation mark and put it it at the end of the sentence.
"Does it make sense?"
At this point students will come up and try to move around the middle words until it makes sense. This was a very popular activity with my students and once they became familiar with it made a great independent activity for literacy centers.  

Display Objectives:  Many of us are required to display our daily learning objectives in our classroom.  Having a pocket chart in your classroom specifically for this purpose is an easy way to switch them out easily from day to day.  You can write them all up and have them ready to go for the entire year.

This wasn't a requirement at my school but we were encouraged to provide "I Can" statements for students as we were teaching.  I always did this for my math lessons.  I had a blank wipe-off sentence strip at the top of my pocket chart where I taught my lessons.  Each day we would review the "I Can" statement before we got started.  Often I would change it as part of my lesson… "Look!  Yesterday we were learning how to count to 10 forwards.  Let me change this.  Today it will say "I Can count backwards from 10."  This really helped the kids and me stay focused on our objective.

Not only do I use sentence strips for activities in my pocket chart but they are great for student activities too!  Students are always super motivated to use supplies they perceive to be "teacher" supplies. 

Sequencing:  Sentence strips are great for sequencing activities.  When I taught kindergarten we did a lot of learning with nursery rhymes.  A favourite activity was to order pictures from a nursery rhyme and glue them onto a sentence strip.  Students would then retell it to a teacher, friend or their family.  

ABC order, number order, making patterns, story sequencing…. any of these activities work great on a sentence strip.

Headbands, Hats or Crowns:  Using headbands/hats/crowns to celebrate special occasions or show learning is an instant hit with students.  These are easily created using a sentence strip as the band and adding on from there.  They can be student created or check out TPT HERE for a variety of related products.    

Display Learning:  Students love to write on sentence strips and this is great way to show learning at the end of an unit.  For example, after learning about bears I would pair students up and have them write a sentence about one thing they learned.  I would display the sentence strips on a bulletin board usually surrounded by a matching craft.  A great way to end a unit: having students reflect, write and share their learning.  
Not only are there a lot of different ways to use sentence strips in your classroom there are a lot of different sentence strips to chose from.  The more sturdy tagboard sentence strips are great for activities in your pocket chart.  Especially, poems and center activities you might be saving from year to year.  The thinner paperweight sentence strips are less expensive and a great option for student activities. Dry-erase sentence strips are a great re-usable option.
In addition there are different colors and options such as inter-lined, single lined and plain.  

Once you have all these sentence strips you need somewhere to store them! These storage boxes from Really Good Stuff are my favourite.
Thanks for dropping by!  Stay tuned for more of my "must have" supplies for back to school.